
Perbaiki Flicker Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium War paca Mac OSX

Perbaiki Flicker Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium War paca Mac OSX

Halo sob, barusan saya install (CNC3 Tiberium Wars) Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars buat Macintosh nih... ada masalah waktu buka game gambarnya fliker.... nih saya ada solusi dikit bagi yang maen itu game... :)

1. Masuk ke forlder Applications
2. Klik kanan Command and Conquer 3 app > klik 'Show Package Contents'
3. masuk ke folder Contents -> Resources
4. Klik kanan lagi pada Command and Conquer 3 app > klik 'Show Package Contents'
5. masuk folder Contents -> Resources -> Preferences
6. klik kanan file 'config' > open with TextEdit
7. cari line "fbobackbuffer" = "Y" , ganti "Y" menjadi "N"
8. Save(Unlock).
9. Cari file 'config' juga di  ~/Library/Preferences/Command and Conquer 3 Preferences, kemudian lakukan hal yang sama :)

semoga bermanfaat bung! dan gak fliker lagi :D


How To Make Call & SMS on iPad 3G (iOS 5.1,1)

 Basically Apple Ipad 3G is a tablet that only allows you to connect to the Internet via 3G or Wi-Fi. But in fact we can make phone calls and do SMS as the iPhone or other mobile phone types.

How to make a call and sms using iPad 3G?
Let's set up some iPad 3G devices and software needed.

1. Prepare ipad 3G iOS 5.1.1 (already in jailbroken).
2. Install "iFile" from Cydia.
3. From Cydia, add the source "http://apps.iphoneislam.com /" then through the search menu, write "PhoneIt-iPad-5.1" and search . Install it.
 http://apps.iphoneislam.com /


4. Download files from Here.
5. Open "iFile" and put file "FixPhone5.1.1.dylib" into the "/ Library / MobileSubstrate / DynamicLibraries".
6. Run the application "PhoneIt-iPad-5.1" of iPad 3G
7. Congratulations! you can call and send SMS using your SIM card number :)

I really did try it ! It's really Work!